Just like you like it

I just read an article on the web about there being no persons of African decent in the new US Senate. I mean that's why voting is irrelevant to me. Sure blacks fault for the right to vote less than one hundred years ago, but I mean that's because they thought that was the way to equality. My have things changed. And I do not mean the change people like me hoped for in 2008.

To read people's comments that say, it does not matter, and that the best person for the job is in the seat is simply appalling to me. Let me preface the rest of this blog by stating that this is my blog and it is my vantage point that counts, and not yours. Its just easier that way for my blog. So then, it really does something to me to know seemingly well rounded people believe race is a non issue in America these days.

Yeah maybe a non issue when compared to 1864. But when you have all white men (ok, maybe a white woman or two mixed in there) sitting in US Senate seats in the year 2010 where is the progress in that? Suppose there were all black men (ok, maybe an African American woman or two mixed in there) in the US Senate. We would see white people leaving this country at the rate they left the cities. They call it " white flight."

Sadly enough we will not see African Americans fleeing the country as they should because they have been so displaced that they are led to believe this place cares about them. Can you say pacifier. Yeah that's right pacifier those niggers enough for them to quit whining so damn much! At the end of the day, after seeing the energy we put behind Barrack Obama and the subsequent egg African Americans have laid since then is down right ludacris.

Back to the point at hand, again in a land supposedly known as a melting pot, the US Senate is still as pure white as it was in 1776. Come on people that's almost 250 years later and things are still the same. Despite multiple depressions, wars, crime, drugs, greed, and six other deadly sins we still sit at square one. Ok, so for the white purest this is good. But for an African American male like myself I say lets wash the whole thing and get some racial equality in the mix.

I know, I know, African Americans are inferior, less educated and simply incapable of governing this great nation. Why am I even bringing this up. Someone is red at the nose right now ready to fry my black ass. But you know what, its ok, because I take this with a grain of salt.

Here on this earth we are placed here to do no more than eat, drink, and fine pleasure in our work. My work is helping others, so go ahead and have fun doing what you do in Washington. In the meantime I will be going door to door rallying the troops and preparing me and mine for the good life. We may do our thing here for a while longer and then expose ourselves to the delicacies of other places on this little old earth.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but the US Senate will never hurt me.




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