In the movie Temptation, sparks fly as tough lessons taught

On Saturday I was fortune enough to get the chance to watch Tyler Perry’s newest movie, “Temptation.” 

In recent years, fortunate would not be the word I would use to describe Perry’s work, but this movie however hit home as it’s storyline details the rise, love, and demise of two young people forced to pick themselves up off the mat. "Temptation" is one of those movies that will cause you to hate it if you look too close. There’s the crowd that will feel appalled by the perhaps indirect notion that HIV is a sinner’s disease. Then there are the women who will feel disrespected by the rape which lead to the turning out of one of the movies main female characters. From my vantage point, this movie is a great lesson for Christians viewers as it sensationalizes the way so many of us fall prey to the schemes of the devil, but concludes with Grace.

If you have not or will not see the movie, the storyline is this: a boy and girl grow up loving each other and eventually marry during their adult years. They waited until marriage to have sex. From a traditional standpoint, they did everything the right way. As they were in the process of building their family together one step at a time, the wife is methodically undressed by a Billionaire Mogul over a period of time. Once undressed though, he quickly turns the Wife into his whore, berating her with drugs, alcohol, gifts and promises of funding her marriage counselor venture, which her husband to this point had told her would need to be put on hold for at least a decade. 

Things turn ugly quick as Shawn Carter's classic quote systematically turns real, “Once a good girl goes bad, she’s gone forever.” At the climax of this film, it is revealed that the seemingly can’t miss Mogul is HIV positive and eventually it is revealed that the Wife contracted the disease during her freelance sex-escapades with him. The initial sexual encounter happens while the two are on his private jet for “business” when the Mogul aggressively seduces the wife in what 9 out of 10 would call rape. So then, in a movie that is filled with spiritual connotations, the Mogul is portrayed as the devil who temps the Wife. Then leads her down a road of destruction. So then, the conclusion is being drawn by some critics that Perry is portraying HIV as a sinner’s disease. I will distance myself from that, because judging is not something I have been charged to do. Even God almighty, our Creator will wait until the end before he does any judging

What I have done instead is made a list of what I believe to be takeaways from this film, which I truly admire for its bold approach, and what can be perceived as a non-secular-fairy tale ending.

1.      1. The Wife shared way to much information about herself and her husband in this film which played right into the hands of the Billionaire. While she was strong in her stance in stating the fact that’s was married, that is baseless to a prideful being set on pounding their chest after his latest devour.

2.      2. I believe the portrayal of the Billionaire as a demonic force which lead the Wife astray is a good comparison for what can happen to Christians who give too much life to their to their fleshly desires which leads to spiritual death. As Christians, the faith is founded upon the belief in the inner being or the Holy Spirit as your guide here on earth.
3    3. Yes, the Billionaire did rape that woman, and he is wrong for that. There are so many men just like him lurking right now for their next prey. No, it is not her fault per-say that she got raped, however, it is vital in this day and age when woman have made so much progress for themselves in the professional world that they are keenly aware that a number of men do not just give compliments or offer kind gestures out of the pure kindness of their hearts. The majority of men are after power, and they will go to most any height to obtain power in various dimensions of their lives. So much of what happened in this film is why in traditional marriages the wife is charged with being a homemaker. This should be considered a privilege for a wife to have her home be her primary place of work and service away from the deceit and betrayal of the everyday toil men must face. It's up to you.

4.      4. It is important we realize the Wife did return to her faith despite her bout with her uncontrolled fleshly desires. And this is the cardinal message I take from this movie. We are all guilty of sin, which is the whole basis of why we recently celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. No matter how far or how long you go without acknowledging the power of Jesus Christ, you never escape his love. 

      If you are reading this, and you find yourself not actively feeding the fruits of your spirit, acknowledging God, or if you have never experienced the power that comes with the name Jesus simply invite him into your heart, and watch how your life changes for the good. His love surpasses all understanding. The Wife in Tyler Perry’s movie, Temptation knew this, and that’s why her last words were that she was headed to the church. 

Love. Peace. & Hair Grease 


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