Let me find out: White man tells black man to die.

Recently a television reporter when commenting on Michael Vick, a player in the National Football League said he should have been executed for killing dogs

Link to this story: (http://www.sportsgrid.com/nfl/tucker-carlson-%E2%80%9Ci-think-personally-michael-vick-should-have-been-executed%E2%80%9D/). 

Not only are these remarks insensitive to Michael Vick as a man, but here at Comfortably Living we call a spade a spade and that man is racist. There is just no way around it.

Save all your race cards, dont worry about playing them, because I will continue to play mine as I see fit. The FCC is a joke. They are not what the FCC was meant to stand for (maybe I will expand on that another time). There are somethings that just should not be said. Freedom of speech, sure but is it across the board? I think not.

But this is not about freedom of speech. This is about Tucker Carlson, who made his start off the strength of his family name. His family has power in the world of the media. Richard Carlson is a former Los Angeles news anchor and U.S. ambassador to the Seychelles who was president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and director of Voice of America. His mother is Patricia is the former wife of Howard Feldman and an heiress to the Swanson food conglomerate fortune. His great uncle was Sen. J. William Fulbright.

So he has a strong alliance with some pretty influential people in American history. That still does not mean he should be able to get on Fox News of any public channel and spew such hatred toward another man. Or maybe he does not know African Americans are no longer consider 3/5 of a person (In 1789, African-Americans were defined in the Constitution as 3/5 of a person). So now at least the country's documentation counts us as a whole person. 

Maybe Carlson did not get that memo as he saw fit to spew such hatred on national television. Regardless of what anyone thinks about what I am saying, what kind of message does such a statement send to children or other impressionable Americans who may follow him. It simply unbelievable that he still has a job. Throughout this country's history African Americans have been treated less than. 

Years ago it was done blatantly and out in the open. Now it is done sly slick and vicariously behind closed doors and through subliminal messages. Its still the same thing people. I am not going to go into the comparisons of people who kill other animals for pleasure and cultural reasons or even begin to try and explain the idea of fighting dogs in the African American community. All I know is that the black man continues to be the prey for so many spoon fed white men who are scared silly of the potential within the black man. 

To my readers I must send a disclaimer that says I am passionate about race relations here in America. I grew up in an elementary school where I was the only African American male in my entire grade level from 3 to 5 grade. I played baseball, often being the only African American on my team. I was in honors classes often being the only African American in my classes. So I have met many, many, many white people some fake and phony others genuinely concerned for the fate of their fellow African American brothers and sisters. I have seen the full spectrum. 

However, anytime I see a man like this in a place of power like the fella we are discussin today I am called into to action. The fact that he feels that way and even prefaced his execution statement by saying "I am a Christian" is a complete sham and someone has to say something and also do something. I say give me a television show. Put me on a talk radio show. Give me a weekly column and I will set the record straight for all time. 

Love, Peace, and Hair Grease.



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